On the other hand, if lossy-and-small files are a better default, then probably "-c:a opus" for audio and "-c:v h264" (no -qp) for video. it's slower to output, but still gives the same effect.

If there does happen to be a consensus for lossless output by default, "-c:a flac" (audio) and "-c:v h264 -qp 0" (video) would probably be better considering disk space and most people don't have a file system with compression.
Mkvtools overwrite without prompt how to#
I have a file system with transparent compression (zfs with lz4), so it turns how to actually not need much space compared to the size of the file, and it's pretty quick. This does tend to result in very large files, especially given that the video is stored as an uncompressed series of frames. As a result, my settings are configured as such:Ĭap_soundcommand "ffmpeg -f s16le -ar %s -ac 2 -i -c:a copy -y temp_a.nut"Ĭap_videocommand "ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -r %r -s %wx%h -i -c:v copy -y temp_v.nut"Ĭap_muxcommand "ffmpeg -i temp_v.nut -i temp_a.nut -c copy -y %f" I do this, for the two reasons I said in the prior paragraph, and also because I already know how to use ffmpeg (and its command parameters tend to be stable over. However , in the past, people have posted alternative commands here - mostly using only ffmpeg to perform all three tasks - to achieve the same (or even better?) results.